Mane Katz
Broken wings,
taking place in Haifa
Sami Michael
Aleph Beth Yehoshua
Pinhas Eshet
Amos Gitai,
Wadi Grand Canyon 2001
Daniele Goldberg
Mane Katz
Daniel Akiva
Jerusalem de Espana
Ram Da-Oz, Music for
Mati Katz poems
Amal Murkus
Yaakov Rechter
Otto Schneid
Samir Shukry
Tikotin Museum
Compagnie Bakbouk
Haifa: Culture, sports, leisure
Amos Gitai,
Yom yom
Anna Patricia Kahn
Die Sache zwischen uns
Amir Gutfreund
Hiam Abbas
Rina Shlein
Faye Yari
Elinor Rotem
Angel Emah
Daniel Salomon
Plastic and visual arts, museums (historical and general interest)
Museums of general interest
Theaters, cinema and actors
Mane Katz
Corinne Roufi
Nizar Radwan
Ada Aharoni
Nomination of the Struck Prize winners for 2008: Ginat Liran, Ilana Tsuri, Oksana Molojanova, Israel Tabalov
Beta Dance Troupe
Nomi Faran
Lydia Uzan
Martine Zohar
Berta Yampolski
Hillel Markman
Haifa etat d'esprits
BERNARD BIANCARELLI Méditerranéennes: d’Ajaccio via Haïfa
KENNETH BROWN A sleeping Beauty ?
A dialogue – Un dialogue
MAHMOUD YAZBAK Haifa before the Nakba
LAURENCE OLIPHANT (1829-1888) The Temple colony of Haifa
MAY SEIKALY Une politique de partition ethnique
UDI ADIV 1920s Haifa as seen by Bulus Farah
BULUS FARAH Migration to Haifa
ZACHARY LOCKMAN 1925 : organiser les travailleurs arabes
DEBORAH S. BERNSTEIN Les grèves à Nesher
ADI GORDON Orient : Exile of the Last Europeans
A Letter from Arnold Zweig to Sigmund Freud
ABDULLAH SCHLEIFER Izz al-Din al-Qassam : prêcheur et mujahid
SILVINA SOSNOVSKY On the track of modernism
JOHNNY MANSOUR L’émergence du mouvement sportif palestinien
sous le Mandat
SHERENE SEIKALY Arab businessmen challenge the 1940s status quo
TAMIR GOREN Politique et autorité municipale à l’époque du Mandat
HILLEL COHEN Haïfa, symbole de la Nakba
ZACHARY LOCKMAN Sombrer dans la folie
ILAN PAPPE Urbicide in Haifa
SARI HANAFI Exodus and exile: people’s own stories
ANTON SHAMMAS De l’écriture et de la boîte
NICHOLAS DE LANGE Memories of a Haifa childhood
AMINA SEMMOUD Amos Gitai’s Wadi – a 20-year chronicle
HANNA ABU HANNA Faten Hamama et Caliban
SOUAD NASR MAKHOUL Quelques données de l’évolution urbaine
SAMIH AL-QASIM The clock on the wall
SUSAN ROSENBERG Haifa railway station
ZIVA KOLODNEY & RACHEL KALLUS How to read Haifa’s cityscape
SAMI MICHAEL The years have their seasons
RAEF ZREIK Point de chute
MAHMOUD DARWISH Without exile, who am I?
NATAN ZACH Prologue to a poem
AVNER SHATS Travels on the Carmelit
GALIA AVIANI Ma communauté à Hadar
SALIM ABU JABAL Elegy for Haifa in Colours
AVNER GILADI ‘Abed ‘Abedi, artiste de Haïfa
JOSEPH CHETRIT La musique andalouse de Tsfon-Macarav
ABBAS SHIBLAK Haifa, Full in Our Eyes
ROLLY ROSEN Key dates in an urban autobiography
SALMAN NATUR Se souvenir de Haïfa, au bord d’un lac gelé
ELIAS SANBAR It’s you who sends these people
YOSSI BEN ARTZI Quelle Haïfa voulons-nous ?
YUVAL YONAY Gaza war protests at Haifa University
SHAHIN NASSAR Arabs and Jews against the Gaza invasion
SHLOMO AVINERI Herzl et le racisme
SHATIL They have a dream: the Haifa Joint City Project
SAMPIERO SANGUINETTI Faire la guerre ou jeter des ponts
MATTHEW TREE Letter from Barcelona: Sant Jordi and the Big Read
KAMEL DAOUD Oran et ses quatre mers en étages
PIERRE LEPIDI Au Liban, des prisonniers « en colère » sont montés
sur scène
STUART SCHAAR Miloud Labeid (1938-2008) : an extraordinary artist
JEAN LECA Un éveilleur, Bruno Étienne (1937– 2009)
NASRIN QADER Remembering Abdelkebir Khatibi (1938 – 2009)
The T echnion Theatre was founded in 1986 as part of the
Department of Humanities and Arts. Its founder Dr. Uriel Zohar is to
this day its director and teacher. Today the Department offers seven
courses, and 300 students study there each year. The theater shows
up in different styles, but is based mainly on the fringe activity. It is
invited to many world festivals and universities, gaining international
Among famous graduates: Askandar Qobti , the filmmaker Ajami,
who participated in the play "At last" produced by the department,
and played at the Thespis Festival in Jerusalem. The play written in
2000, is a collective work of the students with the director. The play
"Transparent chains", written by Shelly Blity, appeared in 2006 at
Bratislava, Granada, the Haifa Cinematheque, and the Neve Yosef
Festival of the theater department at the University of Haifa in 2007.
The play "Enemy of the people" by Ibsen with Professor Ronnie Wise
of the Technion Faculty of Civil Engineering, won an honorable
mention at the Benevento festival in Italy in 2009 and was played in
Haifa and Usfiya Theaters.
translated from Wikipedia
Rina Frank
Abed Abdi
Nava Semel
Miriam Rebhun
Yuval Rabin
Yohanan Lastmann
Shirei Haifa,
Haïfa Poems Anthology
Rinat Klein
Uriel Zohar
YaoYuan (We Yuan Yan)
Bruno Fert
The absentees
Kalanit Ochayon
HaYored LeMala
Paula Jacques
Corine Rouffi
Yenina Altman