Haifa: Bicyclette, Bicycle
Haifa to host 2010 European Mountain Bike Championships
By Fadi Eyadat
Haifa, which presently has virtually no designated bicycle paths, has been chosen to host
the 2010 European Mountain Bike Championship.
During the city's film festival held during the Sukkot holiday last year, a local couple
approached Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav at the city's Cinemateque theater to lament that,
unlike many other Israeli cities, Haifa lacks bicycle paths. A year later, the city is en route
to becoming a cycling capital, adding to its reputation as a soccer and water sports hub.
In preparation for the 2010 Championship, a 17-kilometer track will soon be paved along
the sea from Mount Carmel to the Atlit fortress south of the city. "We will nurture Haifa
as a unique national center for cycling," Yahav said this weekend. "The cycling track
along the sea will be the most beautiful and safest in the country, and the possibility of the
combined riding experience of the Carmel mountains and the shoreline will be an
attraction for riders from Israel and around the world."
The competition is expected to begin in July 2010 at the foothills of the Carmel. "It wasn't
easy to convince the European committee to choose us," said Israel Bicycle Association
Director General Emilio Rotman. "This won't be an easy track. There are plans for
mountainous, muddy and wet sections. We picked Haifa because it's a significant city in
Israel, and because we wanted, in addition to cyclists, to attract families and the general
public to come and enjoy the city."
Rotman estimates that some 800 cyclists from 30 European countries will participate in
the event. "This competition will launch ranking calculations ahead of the 2012 London
Olympics. That's why I expect it to be important, and for many cyclists to arrive. World
champions will come here," he said.

Cyclisme en Israel- Introduction
Vous visitez la Terre Sainte ? Vous aimez rouler a bicyclette ?
Pourquoi ne pas combiner les deux ? La bicyclette vous permet
de voyager au ֲ« bon rythme ֲ» : assez vite pour vous rendre en
un lieu, assez lentement pour sentir une fleur, rencontrer les
habitants et apprendre a apprecier le pays : jamais vous
n'oublierez les endroits ou vous etes alles a bicyclette. Que
ce soit une agreable balade en ville ou un circuit complet, des
pistes cyclables pour toute la famille ou des itineraires hors des
routes, chaque amoureux de la petite reine trouvera son compte
en Israel. Nous avons repertorie un certain
nombre d'itineraires recommandes dans tout le pays, certains
d'une journee, d'autres plus longs a travers le pays. Ces trajets
vous donnent une idee generale de toutes les options possibles.
Celles- ci peuvent etre modifiees en fonction des gouts de
chacun. Remarques importantes
1- les itineraires recommandes sont classes selon
3 categories
Facile - convient generalement a toute la famille.
Moyenne difficulte convient aux cyclistes habitues et avec une
certaine experience.
Difficile a recommander aux cyclistes experimentes
2- Tous les itineraires recommandes sont planifies
pour eviter autant que possible la circulation. A noter : les
itineraires sur route privilegient les chemins de terre tres
stabilises ; en consequence, les velos tous-terrains sont
3- Securite : Le port du casque est obligatoire en Israel. De
plus, il ne faut pas oublier que dans certaines regions,
particuliֳerement le Neguev, l'eau est rare : assurez vous d'avoir
toujours suffisamment d'eau pour la journee. Munissez vous
toujours d'une carte routiֳere, evitez de rouler la nuit et evitez les
routes principales a forte circulation automobile.
4- Vous pouvez louer un velo en Israel . Si vous souhaitez
apporter votre propre velo, sachez que certaines compagnies
aeriennes parmi lesquelles EL Al le transportera sans
supplement a payer. Informez vous a l'avance sur
les disposition specifiques de la compagnie choisie.
5- Les velos peuvent etre transportes sur les bus, en payant
50% de plus. Il est fortement conseille de faire appel aux
services d' un guide professionnel si vous visitez le pays a
Cycling in Israel - Introduction
Visiting the Holy land? Love cycling? Why not combine the
two? Cycling allows you to travel at ג€�the right speedג€�,
fast enough to get anywhere, and slow enough to smell the
flowers, meet the locals and get a true feeling for the land. You
will never forget the places in Israel that you reached by bike.
From a pleasant urban ride to a cross country tour, from bike
paths for the whole family to extreme off road routes, Israel
has something for anyone who loves to ride. We have collected
a number of recommended routes all around the
country, some of them day rides, and some cross country.
These routes are to give a general idea of all the options
available. All of these options can be modified to fit an
individualג€™s taste.
A few important notes:
1. The recommended routes are divided into three
ֲ· Easy- suitable for most families
ֲ· Moderate- suitable for recreational riders and riders with
some experience
ֲ· Difficult- suitable for experienced cyclists
2. All recommended routes are planned to avoid traffic as
much as possible. However, please note that the on-road routes
do leave the main road for well paved dirt roads. Accordingly,
Hybrid bicycles are recommended.
3. Safety: Bicycle helmets are required by law in Israel.
Additionally, please be aware that in some areas, particularly
the Negev, water is scarce; make sure you always have enough
water for the day. Always have a map in hand, avoid cycling at
night, and avoid cycling on major roads with heavy automobile
4. Bike rentals are available in Israel. If you would like to
bring your own bicycles, be advised that some airlines will take
your bike for no extra charge, one of which is El Al Airlines.
Make sure to contact your airline in advance for their specific
5. Bicycles can be taken on buses for an additional 50% -
Hiring the service of a licensed tour guide when cycling in
Israel is highly recommended.
In May, Bicycle marathon in memory of Yaniv Hershkowicz, zal
En mai, Marathon de bicyclette a la memoire de Yaniv Hershkowicz, zal
Nouveau circuit en Basse Galilee
Nahal Yiftachel (pres de Hamovil Merkaz Shetach Alon HaGalil)
New single cycling in Lower Galilee
Nahal Yiftachel (Hamovil junction/Merkaz Shetach Alon HaGalil)
Le club de velo de montagne du Carmel CMBC a ete fonde en 1922
The Carmel Mountain Bike Club CMBC was founded in 1922
Tandem bikes are used by two riders riding
together on one bike and thus enable blind riders or
riders with eyesight disabilities, head injuries and
balance disabilities to enjoy the sport of bike riding.
Deux cyclistes ensemble sur un tandem, ce qui
permet a des sportifs mal voyant ou souffrant de
blessures a la tete ou a des problemes d'equilibre
de profiter du sport de la petite reine
Ruth Rosenczweig

La Societe pour la Protection de la Nature en Israel
Le 24 avril, La piste cyclable de Shimshit - une nouvelle piste en Basse
Galilée pour les cyclistes âgés d'au moins 18 ans, avec expérience en terrain
ouvert, code: 92404109 La Shimshit est une piste cyclable nouvelle et unique .
Nous passerons dans les profondeurs des forêts de Tsippori, pleines de pins et de
feuillage vert et riche. Nous traverserons le Nahal Tsippori. Acces en voitures
privées. En coopération avec le magasin de vélo Rosen & Meents. Location de
vélos et de casques ; accompagnement par un véhicule de soutien, et un
technicien de Rosen & Meents .
Le 22 mai, Sur les hauteurs pleines de sources, ballade pour cyclistes
âgés d'au moins 18 ans avec expérience en terrain ouvert, code: 92205100 La
source Emek, le long du sentier reliant Nahal Hashofet à Nahal Gachar à Ramot
("hauteurs " en hébreu) Menashe, est un parcours difficile le long des collines,
des ruisseaux, des champs et des forêts impressionnantes. Nous nous arrêterons
pour nous rafraîchir à Ein Reichana, une belle source ombragée avec des citernes
et une petite cascade. En voitures privées. En coopération avec le magasin de vélos
Rosen & Meents. Location de vélos et de casques , véhicule de soutien, et
technicien qui offrira également des conseils et des recommandations .
Society for Protection of Nature in Israel
On April 24, The Shimshit Single – A New Trail in the Lower Galilee Bicycle
tour for riders aged 18+ with experience riding on open terrain; CODE: 92404109 The
Shimshit Single is a new and unique bicycle trail in the lower Galilee. We will ride into
the depths of the Zippori Forests filled with pine, rich foliage and green vistas. We will
cross Nahal Zippori and pass through a beautiful pine forest. Don’t miss this one!
Private cars. In cooperation with the Rosen & Meents bicycle stores. Bikes and helmets
can be rented at an additional cost of 75 NIS. A support vehicle, and a Rosen & Meents
technician will offer tips and recommendations to riders, and accompany the group.
On May 22, On the Spring-Filled Heights Bicycle tour for riders aged 18+
with experience riding on open terrain; CODE: 92205100 The Emek Spring, along
Nahal Hashofet to Nahal Gachar in Ramot (“Heights” in Hebrew) Menashe, is a
challenging trail along circular hills and among rivulets, agricultural fields and
impressive forests. We will stop to refresh ourselves at Ein Reichana, a beautiful,
shaded spring with water cisterns and a small waterfall. Private cars. In cooperation
with the Rosen & Meents bicycle stores. Bikes and helmets can be rented . A support
vehicle, and a Rosen & Meents technician will offer tips and recommendations to
riders, and accompany the group.
Bike park Hermon. Up the Hermon with the chair lift and
down, down the Hermon mountain on several new tracks
of 2-4km for various types of riding. Bicycle equipment and
spare part shops
Bike park Hermon. En haut du Hermon avec le telepherique
et la descente sur des nouvelles pistes de 2-4km adaptees a des
techniques differentes. Magasin d' equipment et de pieces
Bike for all
Un velo pour chacun
Lower Galilee Cycling Club, Kadouri Agricultural College, Kfar Tavor. Contact 052-840 3828.
Tirat Hacarmel Cycling Club, in the town's youth center, Ro'I Saffron,Contact 052-638 2009.
Carmel Cycling Club of Dali'at El Carmel and Usefiyyah, Najib Hacarmel. Contact: 050-792 2539.
Tiberias Hostel Cycling Club
2011 Le 17 septembre, 6:30-12:30, Competition de velo sur la route 22
On September 17, 6:30-12:30, Bike competition on road 22
On September13 and 14 2102, Metula- Eilat bike ride (470km)
On May 31 to June 2, Bike: Race of the apple, Hula Lake
On June 9, Bicycle, Haifa Race
On June 19, Bicycle, Championship race against time, Golan
On June 22, Bicycle, Israel Road Cycling Championship for Children, Afula
On June 22, Bicycle, Israel Championship of Road cycling, Afula
On June 23, -7:00, Road Bike Israel Championshi, 11km, Hutsot HaMifratz,
On June 29, Bicycle, XCO race for children and juniors, Gil boa
On July 6, The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, Beyond the
Rainbow by bike, 18 + average difficulty, Beit Keshet Forest and Mont Dvora,-
a 30km ride
On July 14, Mountain Bike XCO, around track 4, Mishmar HaEmek
On July 20, Israel Championship, MTB XCO, Mishmar HaEmek
Les 13 et 14 septembre 2012, Metula-Eilat en bicyclette (470km)
Du 31 mai au 2 juin, Vélo : course de la pomme, Lac de Hula
Le 9 juin, Bicyclette, Course de Haïfa
Le 19 juin, Bicyclette, Championnat de course contre la montre, Golan
Le 22 juin, Bicyclette, Championnat d’Israël sur route pour les enfants, Afula
Le 22 juin, Bicyclette, Championnat d’Israël sur route, Afula
Le 23 juin, -7:00, Championnat d’Israel de velo de route, 11km, Hutsot
HaMifratz, Haifa
Le 6 juillet, La Societe pour la Protection de la Nature en Israel, Au dela de l’arc
en ciel en velo, difficulte moyenne 18+, foret de Beit Keshet, Mont Dvora, -30km
Le 29 juin, Bicyclette, course de XCO pour enfants et juniors, Gil boa
Le 14 juillet, vélo de montagne XCO, autour de la piste 4, Mishmar HaEmek
Le 20 juillet, Championnat d’Israël, vélo de montagne XCO, Mishmar HaEmek

Le 2 novembre, Le tour de lac de Tiberiade a velo, 10, 16, 30, 31, 65km (tour complet), la course de
bicyclette la plus populaire d'Israel details
On November 2, Biking around the Lake of Galilee, 10, 16, 30, 31, 65km, the most popular bicycle event in
Israel details
Le 11 octobre, 7 :00, Ultra marathon, course a pied ou a velo, autour de la Vallee de Jezreel, sur les
montagnes de Menashe Hazorea, Yokneam, Carob Forest, Peace Valley, Typhoon, Ein HaShofet, Ju’ara,
Gilead, Cyclamen Forest and back.
On October 11, 7: 00, Ultra marathon, races, foot and bike, around the Jezreel Valley, the mountains of
Menashe, Hazorea, Yokneam, Carob Forest, Peace Valley, Typhoon, Ein Hashofet, Ju'ara, Gilead,
Cyclamen Forest and back, Kibboutz HaZorea
Du 18 au 30 juillet 2013, La 19 eme Maccabiade, les courses de velo ont lieu dans le Nord, Kibboutz Gadot
et Gonen, programme
From July 18 to 30 2013, The 19th Maccabiah: bicycle competitions take place in the North,
detailed program in the region of Kibboutz Gadot and Gonen
Le 11 mai 2013, Les roues de l’espoir, ballade en vélo au profit de Etgarim Beit HaMoatsa, Vallée de Jezréel
On May 11 2013, Wheels of Hope, popular bike ride to benefit Etgarim Beit HaMoatsa, Jezreel Valley

Route Maccabiah Maccabiade 2013
On March 24, The Wheels of Hope, Galgalim shel Tikvah 2018 - All proceeds go towards stimulating sporting activities for
children, youth and adults with disabilities. Point of meeting and conclusion, Happening for the whole family, Emek Yezreel
College Cycling routes: Road 53 km Field 32/10 km Running tracks: Field 10 / 5/2 km
Le 24 mars, Les roues de l’espoir, Galgalim shel Tikvah, Wheels of Hope 2018 - Tous les profits sont verses pour les activités
sportives stimulantes pour les enfants, les jeunes et les adultes handicapés. Point de rencontre et de conclusion, Happening pour
toute la famille, Collège Emek Yezreel Itinéraires à vélo: route 53 km terrain 32/10 km Pistes de course: terrain 10/ 5/2 km
From May 4 to 8, Giro d'Italia 2018, 176 cyclists, three gears in Israel, followed by 18 days of racing in Italy to Rome.
Free entry at the start, at the finish and along the races,
On May 3, 15:00, Opening Ceremony and Presentation, Safra Square Jerusalem, On May 4, Race in Jerusalem, On
May 5, 2nd gear, Haifa (Sammy Ofer Stadium)-Tel Aviv-Jaffa (Charles Clore Park), Start from Sammy Ofer Stadium,
-10: 00, Doors open, music, food, DJ, exhibitions, sales and activities for children, 13:40 departure ITT (individual
time trial) Haifa Stadium Sammy Ofer 13: 50 / Haifa Paz Bridge 14: 10 / Kyriat Bialik Road 4 14: 23 / Acre
HaHagana 14: 37 / Ahihud Junction Road 70 14: 59 / Somech Junction Road 70 15: 19 / Yagur Junction Road 70 15:
37 / Ein Tut Junction Road 70 15: 58 / Zichron Yaakov Road 652 16: 11 / Zichron Yaakov Herzl 16: 18 / Cesaree Road
6511 16: 30 / Cesaree Rotschild 16: 36 / Yanai junction route 2 16: 56 / On May 6, 3rd gear Beer Sheva Eilat
Du 4 au 8 mai, Giro d’Italia 2018, 176 cyclistes, trois étapes en Israel, suivies de 18 jours de course en Italie jusqu’ à
Rome. Entree libre au départ, au finish et le long des parcours, Le 3 mai, 17 :00, Cérémonie d’ouverture et
présentation, Place Safra Jérusalem, Le 4 mai, Course à Jérusalem, Le 5 mai, 2 étape, Haifa (Stade Sammy Ofer) Tel
Aviv-Jaffa (Parc Charles Clore) , Départ du Stade Sammy Ofer, -10 :00, Ouverture des portes, musique, nourriture,
DJ, expos, ventes et activités pour les enfants, 13 :40 départ du ITT (individual time trial) Haifa Stade Sammy Ofer 13 :
50 /Haifa Pont Paz 14 :10/ Kyriat Bialik Route 4 14 :23/ Acre HaHagana 14 :37/ Ahihud Junction route 70 14 :59/
Somech junction route 70 15 :19/ Yagur Junction route 70 15:37/ Ein Tut junction route 70 15 :58/ Zichron Yaakov
route 652 16 :11/ Zichron Yaakov Herzl 16 :18/ Cesaree route 6511 16 :30/ Cesaree Rotschild 16 :36 / Yanai junction
route 2 16 :56/ Le 6 mai, 3eme étape Beer Sheva Eilat
Le 13 avril, -6 :00, Les Roues de l'espoir au profit de l'Association Etgarim, activités sportives pour les enfants, les
jeunes et les adultes handicapés, cyclisme social pour tous niveaux et tous âges, 7 :30 debut des parcours 32 km et
53 km, 8 :30, début du parcours de 10km, parcours circulaires ou routes fermées, 10 :00, happening pour les
participants, 03-5685207, Conseil régional de la vallée de Jezreel
On April 13, -6: 00, Wheels of Hope for the benefit of the Association Etgarim, sports activities for children, youth
and adults with disabilities, social cycling for all levels and all ages, 7: 30 start of the course 32 km and 53 km, 8:
30, start of the 10km trail, circular routes or closed roads, 10:00, happening for the participants, 03-5685207,
Jezreel Valley Regional Council