Our gatherings
On this picture, you see spider fibers, the strongest thread one can imagine.
Difficulties and problems encountered by Olim get tangled in the strong web woven
by workers from the Municipality and the Ministry of Integration,  Bait BYahad, by
ulpan teachers, and by many devoted volunteers. This web helps  olim stand against
the serious difficulties they meet during their adaptation.
In Haifa, we meet at the beach, for Shabbatot, to play games or to go to a pub.
Please check our monthly calendar for invitations.
What amazes me is to see olim who just came  here, already asking what they can
do to help others when they just land in Haifa!
Religious olim are most welcome for Shabbatot in the religious communities of
Neve Sheanan, Ahuza, Technion

Among many events and meetings:

-Ahuza – The New Community for  New Olim in Haifa
-Faisons connaissance, let's meet , Technion Beit Midrash

-Hanukah at Madatech
-Daniel and Michele who came On the same plane celebrate 1 year in Israel
-Meeting with the director of  Ethos, organization for  culture and  sports in Haifa

-Yom Haatsmaut
-welcoming Exodus 2007 passengers
-a little help!
-Faisons connaissance,
let's meet  at Technion Beit Midrash
-Madatech invites olim for  Hanukah
-Bait BeYachad evening, organized by the Jewish Agency

-Faisons connaissance, Let's meet  Welcome at Haifa Municipality
-Evening of discussion about problems of alyia with the participation of the
Minister of Integration and Absorption  Zeev Boim and with  Haifa's mayor Yona
-Yom Haatsmaut for new immigrants organized by UNIFAN