Haifa: Learning Hebrew
hot-dog = niknak ou naknik?
חוק הםפם= the moustahce law?
aleph: ex-president 's Katsav secretary
א א
aleph, aleph: de premiere qualite
UNESCO has added Eliezer Ben Yehuda, pioneer of the
resurrection of Hebrew as a modern language to the list of people
who have the most influenced world culture.
Ben Yehuda was born 150 years ago , on January 7th 1858.
Learn with audiovisual methods and internet
The pronunciation of the Jews of Haifa.
Jews of Haifa, Tivon and Beit Shean, had a very bad accent and did not distinguish
between hei and chet, ain and aleph. Instead of pronouncing "Velo YeCHalelu "
My Holy Name, they would say "Velo YeHalelu", "and that they praise" not My
Holy Name, instead of "and they profane not" Their priest were not allowed to
hold services and to officiate in synagogues
Zev Vilnay, Legends of Galilee
8/2010 The Association for Immigrants Absorption in Haifa has organized a
children's Summer Studio attended by about 40 children who immigrated to
Israel last year, from English-speaking countries. The children were divided into
3 groups based on their level of knowledge of Hebrewand studied Hebrew in a
concentrated form. Teachers and educational counselors told the children
about the study practices in schools.
Shai Fishel, director of the Association, said he attaches great importance to
good absorption of the children who are usually an anchor for the absoption of
their parents.
Translated from Ironet
For more details about Ulpanim contact
Smadar Stoller Porat
Project Manager for Olim from English Speaking Countries
Association for the Integration of immigrants in Haifa
Tel: 054-234-1233
Ketty Pardo-Roques
Directrice du projet d'alyiah des pays francophone's,
Association pour Integration des Immigrants à Haifa
Tel: 054-6706978
There are two kinds of Ulpans,
public subsidized free Ulpan and private Ulpan.
The Museum of the City of Haifa in cooperation with the Technion offers an exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary
of the Technion, a seminal event in Jewish cultural life in Israel that has marked the history of the city of Haifa.
The cornerstone of the building's main Technicum - the name of the Technion in the past, has been laid on April 11,
1912. The Technion institution of education and science was the first in Israel and in the Ottoman Empire which had
then no high-level technical university.
The War of languages exhibition tells the story of the creation of the Technion in Haifa, which lasted over 15 years
from 1908 to 1924. The struggle for language teaching: this will be German or Hebrew? occurred during the years
1913-1914. It ended in a victory for the Hebrew language. This people's war has shaped the national identity of the
Jewish community and was a milestone in the process of creation of the new Hebrew culture.
The exhibition presents an important chapter in the construction of Israeli culture. It shows the different positions
that influence the process that led to the victory of Hebrew in the debate around the creation of the Haifa Technicum:
elaboration of the idea of a scientific institution, education in Israel by the organization Ezra that was active in
Berlin, the Zionist vision of education, the choice of the place for building the Technicum, the concept of the
architect Alexander Baerwald, who translated the vision into architectural language, has designed and built this
beautiful building on Mount Carmel, the language war and its impact on language teaching at the Technion and at
the Reali school, the transmission of the Technion to the Zionist Histadrut and the inauguration in 1924. One
language, one people, one country
On June 21, 2011, 17:00, opening of a new class Ulpan aleph for young people
-basic level
4 times a week for 7 months, at Beit Ederstein, Haifa
In parallel there is an evening class for young immigrants twice a week
Please contact Smadar or Ketty
Summer ulpan for children Olim and Toshavim Hozrim from Western Countries
Dates: August 12-August 23 Days: Sundays – Thursdays Times: 8:30 – 12:30
Location: Nofim School, 22 Soroka Street, Ramat Begin
Who is this for? Kids who are going to be in elementary school next year, or
entering 7th grade, who arrived in Haifa after January 1, 2012.
Content – teaching of Hebrew, reading, understanding of basic text, holidays, life
in Israel, etc.
Up to 15 kids in a group. Group divided approximately by age and level
Taught by experienced Ulpan teachers.
Please contact Smadar Stoller Porat, Project Director of immigration for Olim
from English Speaking Countries in Haifa, City of Haifa, tel: 972 - 4 –
9111408/054-2341233, fax: 972 - 4 - 8623415
Ulpanim in Haifa
Merkaz Aba Hushi : HaMeguinim 131, Haifa
Classes of different levels from beginner to advanced, as well as professional
Opening dates of sessions - dates may change
14.10.12, 11.04.13, 02.12.13, 06.01.13, 3.2.13, 3.3.13, 7.4.13, 5.5.13, 2.6.13, 7.7.13,
Association for the Integration of Immigrants in Haifa, YL Perez 20, Haifa
- Ulpan for olim hadachim , new immigrants under 60 years who have lived for
less than 10 years in Israel and have never followed an ulpan, 4 times per week
from 17: 00 to 20: 00 for 7 months
Ulpan-for mpeople older than 60 for immigrants and tourists- paying for tourists,
3 times a week from 9: 00 to 12:30 – starts October 2012, ten months
- Ulpan + A, 2 times a week on Sunday and Tuesday, from 17: 00 to 18:30
- Ulpan g-, advanced level, 2 times a week on Sunday and Tuesday from 18: 40 to
20: 00
-Ulpan-b (beit) once a week from 17: 00 to 20: 00
-Ulpan-"professional: A + level, 2 times per week in the evening
Registration: Marina: 049111403-0509571771 up to 15: 00
You must pay for some of these ulpans
The opening of classes depends on the number of registered participants
Ulpan Etzion Carmel, Hanamal 61, Haifa
2 sessions starting after Sukkot and after Passover
For Academics 22-35 , -paying for interns, 5 to 6 classes per session
Information and registration: etzion-carmel@jafi.org or contact the delegate of
the Jewish Agency in France, or the global center or KETTY: kettypr2@walla.co.il
There are also ulpanim in Haifa at the University and at Technion (mainly ulpans
summer) pay and not supported by the Ministry of Integration
For more information
Smadar Stoller Porat
Project Manager for Olim from English Speaking Countries
Association for the Integration of immigrants in Haifa
tel:972 - 4 - 9111404 fax: 972 - 4 - 867-8077
Summer Ulpan for Olim and Toshavim Hozrim from Western Countries 2013
Dates: August 11-August 22
Days: Sundays – Thursdays
Times: 8:30 – 12:30
Location: Nofim School, 22 Soroka Street, Ramat Begin, Haifa
for kids who are going to be in elementary school next year, or entering 8th
grade, who arrived in Haifa after January 1, 2013.
Details and inscriptions
University of Haifa International School Ulpan
Still Spots Available for Summer!
Ulpan Etsion
Ulpan Abba Hushi
Ulpan Aba Hushi is the central ulpan in Haifa. There are classes on different levels, from
beginning to advanced, as well as courses with a professional orientation
-Class A classes are intended for students without prior knowledge of Hebrew.
The course is five months, five days a week from 8:30 to 13:00.
Speech: Students learn spoken Hebrew from the first lesson. During the course, students
acquire knowledge and ability in daily communication in Hebrew.
Grammar: The course teaches the basics of Hebrew grammar: verb at different times,
sentence structure, nouns, and more.
Literacy: Students learn to read and write, study texts, light Hebrew newspapers and other
Computerization: Each class has a television screen and a computer connected to the
Internet, and in the lesson they combine video clips, presentations, songs to diversify, and
practice dubbing in all teaching subjects.
Computer Class: In the computer classroom, students are given the opportunity to practice
the lessons learned through the computer in person, while listening, writing and reading,
and continuing the practice at home.
-Class B courses are designed for people with basic knowledge of Hebrew. The
courses are at different levels from Ulpan B onwards, and are held according to the level
of learners. Sunday through Thursday from 8:30 to 13:00.
Speech: Dynamic lessons in which students are given the opportunity to apply their
learning in speech and verbal expression in Hebrew discussions.
Grammar: Improving knowledge and learning of passive structures, different patterns of
sentences, adjectives. Expanding knowledge of prepositions, synonyms, complex
sentences, genre of speech, correct writing and spelling.
Reading comprehension: reading medium and high texts from textbooks, Hebrew
newspapers enriching the vocabulary.
Watching and listening: Watching a news release and other programs from Israeli
-Evening courses
Evening courses are held twice a week from 17:00 to 20:30 and are suitable for working
people. In which it is possible to improve knowledge in spoken Hebrew and in literacy for
the purpose of professional application at work.
Abba Hushi is studying according to the curriculum of the adult education department. In
the Ulpan we adapt the study material to the students. The teaching methods are varied
and varied: textbooks, individual computer programs that include sending personal email
to students, lesson classes, classroom listening, speech reinforcement, trips in Israel, and
history and Jewish tradition.
-Location: 131 HaMeginim st. Haifa
Phone: 04-6055149
Telefax: 04-8535630
Opening Hours:
Sunday - Thursday: 08:15 - 12:45
Email: ulpanhaifa@gmail.com
Facebook: Abba Hushi Ulpan -
Ulpan Beit Erdstein +א, ב, ג, high levelsand professional, evenings, twice a week during
the school year.
Ulpan Beit Erdstein is one of the oldest schools in the field. In order to facilitate our
efforts in teaching Hebrew, the ulpan was recently computerized along with two other
similar institutions.
All of the ulpan's classrooms are equipped with the most advanced technological
equipment. In addition we have a brand new computer room for the students'
Our teaching staff has been thoroughly trained in the proper use of the equipment as a
means to teach Hebrew. Beit Erdstein's teaching staff is highly experienced and
specializes in teaching Hebrew as a second language to immigrants and tourists of all
The ulpan offers a variety of Hebrew courses at different levels in the morning and
evening. In addition we provide high level courses in Hebrew for the medical and para-
medical professions.
22 Y.L. Peretz St., Haifa
Telephone Administration 04 – 9111413 Secretary 04 – 9111403 Fax 04 – 8626562
or Smadar Stoller Porat
Project Manager for Olim from English Speaking Countries
Association for the Integration of immigrants in Haifa
Tel: 054-234-1233
Summer ulpan for children Olim and Toshavim Hozrim from Western Countries
August 2017Details tba
Haifa University
Haifa University International School Ulpan
Intensive Summer ulpan 5 days a week 5h for 1 month 1000$ not reimbursed by Misrad
HaKlita 15 levelsOpen 6 months 4 times per week 2h 900$ not reimbursed by Misrad
HaKlita 15 levelsTalmidei Hutz 2nd floor 227
or University of Haifa International School, 199 Abba Hushi Blvd.
Telephone 04-824-0766 Fax 04-824-0391 Michal Gottlieb: 04-828-8728
Hebrew Summer Ulpan For students, post docs, scholars and visitors
The Summer Ulpan will take place this year starting August 8 until September 14, 2017.
The Ulpan is for students who have not studied Hebrew before.
Department of Humanities and Arts, Technion, Haifa
Moriah CongregationUlpan
Rabbi Dov (Dubi) Haiyun
Tel 04-8245702 Fax04-8251495 Horev 7, Haifa
Tech and the City Ulpan for young high-tech professionals
Ulpan Etsion Carmel, now in Haifa
The first Ulpan for teaching Hebrew, Ulpan Etsion, was founded in 1949.
New in Haïfa, the famous Oulpan Etsion, Etsion Carmel, is aimed at alyia
candidates and new immigrants, singles, from 22 to 35 years having completed
academic studies. Hebrew is taught by teachers approved by the Ministry of
National Education. Specialist employment counselors will help you to find work
and look for a job orientation. Carmel Etzion is an internal or external Ulpan,
which offers cultural program (especially on Jewish culture and Israeli society),
excursions, hiking, celebration of festivals, parties, activities. Two sessions per
year in fall and spring 5 hours per day once a week. Breakfast Accommodation
at "Campus HaNamal" in single rooms in furnished apartments for four people,
(refrigerator, stove, microwave, toaster oven-), air conditioning, internet,
maintenance, electricity and water. The program is subventionned
t: 04-911-3073 050-322-5726
15/10/09 The first promotion of Ulpan Etsion Haifa
Oulpan Abba Hushi
Oulpan d’été pour les enfants
Ulpans in the North of Israel
Ulpan Akko, Beit Hyman, 16 Rehov Herzog, Akko 24763, Tel 04-6753002
Fax 04-9550885
-Ayelet HaShahar
Ulpan Ayelet HaShachar, Mercaz Klita Ayelet, HaSchachar, Tel: (04) 9921403
Ulpan Matnas Mercaz, 109 Rehov Tzahal, Carmiel, Tel: (04) 9088274
Ulpan Beit Erdstein, Beit Erdstein, 20 Rehov Y.L. Peretz, Hadar HaCarmel, Haifa
33041, Tel: (04) 9111400 Fax: (04) 8625810
Ulpan Aba Hushi, 131 Rehov HaMeginim, Kiryat Eliezer, Haifa 35028, Tel: (04)
Ulpan Etzion, 21 Rehov HaNamal, Haifa
Ulpan Matnas Katzrin, Matnas Katzrin, POB 147, Katzrin 12900, Tel: (04) 6964111
-Kyriat Shmona
Ulpan Matnas Kiryat Shmona, 32 Rehov Trumpledor, Kiryat Shmona, Tel: (04)
-Kyriat Yam
Mercaz Klita Sapir, 14 Rehov Pinchas Sapir, Kiryat Yam 29000, Telfax: (04) 8740255
Matnas “Dor LeDor”, 1 Rehov Yerushalayim, Ma’a lot, Tel: (04) 9572741,
Matnas Gross, 53 Rehov HaRav Kook, Ma’alot, Tel: (04) 9973004
-Migdal HaEmek
Ulpan Migdal HaEmek, Matnas Migdal HaEmek, 5 Rehov Ramat Yizra’el, POB 183,
Migdal HaEmek 23000, Tel: (04) 6541140
Ulpan Naharia, 6 Rehov Achad HaAm, Naharia 22442, Tel: (04) 9926876
Ulpan Naharia, Mercaz Klita Tapuz, Naharia, Tel: (04) 9921403
-Or Akiva
Ulpan Or Akiva, Mercaz Tze’irim Shazar, Or Akiva, Tel: (04) 6262160
Beit Ginzberg, Rehov HaHashmoni’im, Tiberias,
Beit HaOleh Lavon, 7 Rehov Atzmon, Upper Nazareth 17000,
Ulpan Matnas Gordon, 9 Rehov HaShikma, Upper Nazareth
Ulpan New York, Rehov Derech HaEmek, Upper Nazareth 17000, Telefax: (04)
-Zichron Yaakov
Ulpan Zichron Ya’akov, Municipal Authority, 11 Rehov HaNadiv
Mercaz Klita, 9 Rehov Tzahal, Tzfat, Tel: (04) 6827479/80
Mercaz Klita Cana’an, P.O.B. 2031, Tzfat
Summer Ulpan for Olim and Toshavim Hozrim from Western countries in 2014
Dates: 17-28 August Days: Monday - Thursday Hours: 8:30 to 12:30 Location: School Nofim, Soroka
22, Ramat Begin, Haifa
Who is this ulpan for? Children who go to primary and secondary school next year, arrived in Haifa
after January 1 2014. Participation fee *** - 20 NIS per child for the entire ulpan.
Content - teaching Hebrew, reading, comprehension of basic text, introduction to festivals and life in
Israel, etc.
Studies in groups of up to 15 children per group. The groups are divided by age and Hebrew level
Teaching by experienced ulpan teachers.
*** Includes 1 tour / activity outside of school.
More details will be given closer to the ulpan
Registration form
Please send this form by fax or e-mail to Ketty at 04-8623415
Hebrew is a bridge to life in Israel
Ulpan sheli
private ulpan, fully reimbursed for Olim who arrived after 01/17
in place of a public ulpan
perfection class after public ulpan,
pre-Ulpan ahead of the public ulpan